Press Releases for weatherization training

  • 605

    Chevy to Fund the Weatherization of 5,500 Low-income Homes

    Chevrolet, an auto-maker and distribution company stepped out of its auto industry boundaries and entered the world of weatherization

    By : | 02-04-2011 | Environment:Environment | Total Views : 605

  • 767

    The American Institute of Renewable Energy is offering a Free Renewable Energy Seminar Next Week

    The seminar is entitled FR-101: Solar Training: Free Solar Seminar. Its attendees will learn about the renewable energy and solar energy technical aspects, careers, job markets, solar training, weatherization training, solar certifications, government policies, the American Recovery and Grant Program under the Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009, and the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).

    By : | 01-11-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 767